Minggu, 28 Desember 2014

? Ebook Free The Beautiful Soul of John Woolman, Apostle of Abolition, by Thomas P. Slaughter

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The Beautiful Soul of John Woolman, Apostle of Abolition, by Thomas P. Slaughter

The Beautiful Soul of John Woolman, Apostle of Abolition, by Thomas P. Slaughter

The Beautiful Soul of John Woolman, Apostle of Abolition, by Thomas P. Slaughter

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The Beautiful Soul of John Woolman, Apostle of Abolition, by Thomas P. Slaughter

JohnWoolman was one of the most significant Americans of the eighteenth century, though he was not a famous politician, general, scientist, or man of letters, and he never held public office. This superb book makes it clear why he mattered so much.

A humble tailor known at first only to the other Quakers who encountered him at meetings in New Jersey, Philadelphia, and New England, Woolman became a prophetic voice for the entire Anglo-American world when he spoke out against the evils of slavery.Thomas P. Slaughter's deft, dramatic narrative reveals how it was that the mysticWoolman became an unforgettable public figure, his gospel infused with a benign confidence that ordinary people could achieve spiritual perfection. Placing Woolman in the full context of his times, Slaughter paints the portrait of a hero--and not just for the Quakers, social reformers, labor organizers, socialists, and peace advocates who have long admired him.

  • Sales Rank: #2102119 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-10-13
  • Released on: 2009-10-13
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.03" w x 6.00" l, 1.16 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 464 pages

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Not many today know about the New Jersey Quaker, mystic and social activist John Woolman (1720–1772). But William James, in The Varieties of Religious Experience, characterized Woolman as a saint. John Greenleaf Whittier called him the founding father of the abolitionist movement. As Slaughter (The Whiskey Rebellion) shows in this superb narrative, it may be argued that the pious, simple-living Woolman—by rejecting not only slavery but also the accumulation of wealth, economic exploitation of all kinds and all forms of violence—created the prototype for every pacifist and nonconformist to come after. Woolman always dressed simply in clothes he stitched himself, white clothes meant to mark him as a man of God. He advocated his causes in lectures and sermons across the eastern United States and England (where he died of smallpox) and through extensive writings. He made a point of owning nothing he did not need and giving away every and anything he could not use. In our own age of conspicuous consumption, the complex soul Slaughter so ably and beautifully resurrects is full of contemporary relevance as an example of principled living. (Sept.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From Booklist
*Starred Review* The most famous American Quaker was an unusual eccentric, and he arises out of Slaughter’s pages as a figure from the Age of Faith alive in and admonitory to the Enlightenment. Odd enough by being a Quaker, John Woolman (1720–72) essayed obedience to the light of God within as few others, even among Quakers, ever do. Though a crank about slavery who refused involvement with it in any way—thereby complicating his businesses as a preparer of wills and a tailor, for he declined to write wills for slaveholders until satisfied that they would free their slaves, and he ceased using dyed cloth because dye manufacture depended heavily on slave labor—he strove never to give offense, casting entirely in theological terms the antislavery testimony he carried to Friends meetings throughout the colonies and finally to England, and avoiding passion in his preaching and conversation. He became ever more ascetic, eventually refusing medicine, fancy food, carriage and horseback travel, and other physical comforts. His famous Journal and other writings are as selfless as personal records could be, which means that Slaughter, who worked on this biography for 20 years, had to immerse himself in Woolman’s world and read Woolman through the lenses of his time and place to make it the thoughtful, scrupulous, enlightening, and engrossing masterpiece it is. --Ray Olson

Brilliantly written and researched . . . An extraordinary biography. (Douglas Brinkley, Austin American-Statesman, Best Books of 2008)

Thoughtful and reflective . . . Thomas P. Slaughter treats Woolman's dreams, his life, and his death with subtlety and great sympathy . . . He also, intriguingly, allows us to see Woolman as others did not wish to see him . . . As Slaughter carefully and rigorously shows, from one perspective Woolman's life (both conscious and unconscious) was the story of an increasingly critical consciousness of the world . . . Slaughter suggests that 'it is the extremes, not the complexities, that provide the man's measure.' I may not agree. But that he has written a work both historical and ethical that can make that question a point of debate is quite the accomplishment. (Michael Meranze, William and Mary Quarterly)

We can benefit from a really good secondary source such as Thomas P. Slaughter's The Beautiful Soul of John Woolman, Apostle of Abolition. Slaughter's project is all about context and analysis . . . In the end, we do not explain Woolman. He explains us. (John Benson, Quaker Life)

The most ambitious biography of Woolman in two generations. Its strength lies in placing Woolman in the context of the Anglo-American Atlantic world of the mid-18th century . . . Recommended. (T. D. Hamm, Choice)

A masterful biography. . . Any understanding of the history of social reform in America begins with Woolman, and understanding Woolman begins here. (Kirkus Reviews (starred review))

A 'superb narrative. . . In our own age of conspicuous consumption, the complex soul Slaughter so ably and beautifully resurrects is full of contemporary relevance as an example of principled living.' (Publisher's Weekly (starred review))

A 'thoughtful, scrupulous, enlightening, and engrossing masterpiece.' (Booklist (starred review))

Thomas Slaughter has accomplished the seemingly impossible task of rescuing a saint--here an Abolitionist Quaker saint--entombed merely in fame. This discerning, poetic biography discloses a Woolman far more powerful, both personally and morally, than even his famous Journal revealed. Few histories are more quietly riveting, more piercingly compelling. The Beautiful Soul of John Woolman is an amazing reconstruction of a daring human life. (Jon Butler, Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Yale University)

Anyone who cares about this country will be blinded by tears while reading this story of a journey that America might have taken, a journey that would have reconciled north and south, blacks and whites, a journey that instead John Woolman made almost alone. Tom Slaughter has written a magnificent book about a unique American. The narrative is as gripping as a suspense story--and simultaneously heartbreaking. I've read a lot about Woolman over the years, but nothing can compare to the insights Slaughter offers here. What a beautiful book! (Thomas Fleming, author of The Perils of Peace: America's Struggle for Survival after Yorktown)

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
A biography of a remarkable early American, but, alas, not for the general reader
By R. M. Peterson
Twenty years ago, in circumstances I no longer recall, I came across and bought a somewhat worn and battered volume in original calf binding of "The Works of John Woolman", published in Philadelphia in 1774. (According to the inscription at the front of my copy, it had been bought and was signed by Samuel Garrett on December 3, 1774.) But I did not know much about John Woolman until I bought and read this biography.

Woolman (1720-1772) was the grandson of English Quaker immigrants to the New World. He grew up on a farm near Mount Holly, New Jersey, and as an adult he made his livelihood as a storekeeper, a tailor, and a teacher. But the core of his life was his interior spiritual quest, and its outward manifestation was his ministry. In furtherance of that ministry, he went on numerous travels or missions in the English colonies, primarily to Quaker congregations but also, memorably, once to fractious Indians. His last mission was to England, during which he contracted smallpox and died.

The publication for which he is best known is his Journal, which is his "spiritual autobiography" and is a landmark of that genre. Two other noted writings are two essays on "keeping Negroes", which are landmarks in abolition literature. Indeed, today Woolman is best known as an early voice in America against slavery, one which was frequently cited by abolitionists and, later, by those in the civil rights movement.

Woolman's anti-slavery stance was based in part on an underlying belief in the equality of all creatures, something which he extended to (non-human) animals. He also is noted for his firm and well-reasoned anti-mercantilism and his critique of the drive to accumulate capital, as well as having advocated refusing to pay taxes that would be used to finance militia activities or war. Other themes in Woolman's writing and thought are "an abhorrence of violence, an ascetic sensibility, [and] a mystical temperament."

Thomas Slaughter writes that he had been interested in Woolman for over twenty years and, in a sense, worked on this biography for the same period of time. The result is extensively researched and obviously a labor of love. It includes much interesting (and necessary to an understanding of Woolman) background information about the Quakers and the religious, cultural, and societal milieu that gave rise to Woolman and in which he lived. In many respects THE BEAUTIFUL SOUL OF JOHN WOOLMAN is an admirable biography.

But it cannot be recommended, at least for the general reader. Part of the problem is Woolman. As Slaughter states: "The essential John Woolman, the meaningful core, was elusive in life; the man barely lived inside his skin. He has not gotten easier to find. He largely succeeded in detaching himself from material objects--things as well as people and himself--before he died. His trail was faint and got fainter." To fill out this biography, then, Slaughter had to engage in all sorts of empathetic speculation. Among other things, Slaughter has resorted to a detailed exegesis and interpretation of Woolman's dreams and visions (of which Woolman wrote about to great extent) -- a process that leaves me cold and somewhat incredulous.

The other, and perhaps biggest, part of the problem has to do with Slaughter as a writer. It is overly difficult to follow and track the flow of the book from topic to topic, largely because many shifts in topic -- as for example from biographical facts to background discussion of religious or cultural context -- are not signaled sufficiently clearly. Although on a gross, macro level the book proceeds chronologically, otherwise the organization is not transparent and there is too much needless repetition. There are patches of overly saccharine, precious, and labored writing, bordering on the truly bad. To top it off, Slaughter liberally inserts relatively lengthy quotes from Woolman's writings or other contemporary sources, the syntax and vocabulary of which are rather alien and trying.

I confess that mid-way through the book I began to skim it. To fully absorb the book, from beginning to end, requires some of the rare qualities of a John Woolman -- diligence, patience, self-denial, and even a little saintliness. It would be nice if there were a readable modern biography of John Woolman. This does not fill the bill.

8 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
A Unique Biography
By j a haverstick
Friends' journals are a unique literary/religious genre. They are spiritual autobiographies and, I was once told, serve as an alternative for Quakers to a written dogma. You can buy many of them very cheaply on the used and rare book sites both because a lot of them were published and because they are generally stultifying, even if you are acquainted with the formulaic religious language in which they are written. There are some exceptions to the stultifying rule: George Fox's journal, sometimes; the neglected journal of Thomas Chalkey (though it's deservedly mentioned in the Oxford Comp. to Am. Lit.); and , of course, John Woolman's journal.

If you are approaching your dotage, you may have read selections from Woolman's journal in the course of your secular education. Being a Quaker, I read it a bit more closely. Impressionistically, I remember the episode about not dying his clothes and especially the picture of him on his porch one morning surveying his bustling store with wagons coming in and out and wondering, What have I done wrong? How un-American is that?

Of course, Woolman is also a great figure in the Abolitionist movement. From the first, in the 1600's, the thought that all partake in the divinity led many Quakers to a radical egalitarianism. Passing through the Barbados in the 17th cent., Wm. Penn was led to write that reversing the environments of his children with that of the plantation slaves' environment would result in black nobles and white slaves. This view that others are our equals in the extended human - not just "spiritual" - sense really wasn't accepted until the late 20th cent. by most Euro-Americans, though in 2009 it seems to be getting some traction. This tenderness resulted in Quakers (though not numerous) being seminal figures not just in the abolitionist movement , but in women's suffrage, prison reform and caring fro the mentally ill both in Great Britain and the

Consulting the journals of these figures is not a good way for the uninitiated to get a picture of their lives and times. If you (or, say, I) were writing about giving up drinking, nights on the town might be mentioned, fights in the kitchen, the reactions of the children and so on. Good reading, that. In a Quaker journal, however, the subject would be dealt with by saying something like "after long and increasing travail, I was favored by Him Who is the Source of all Truth with a purity of understanding of the dangers of toasts and outward conviviality and the use of spirituous drink, and was opened to put it from me by his Gracious Love and Dispensation." Dwelling on individuals, places, scenes and the like is not the point of these works. They are rather an account of the author's inner life and as Slaughter points out, if some irrelevant detail does slip in, a review committee would likely strike it out (there are exceptions). Though we can cipher quite a lot about Woolman's spiritual struggles from his writings, about the visible breathing human and his environment and family we find out little. A brother, for instance, shows up for a few lines as a traveling companion and is never seen again! And what his store looked like or what his family thought of his constant travels we know nothing.

So Slaughter takes an unusual tack. He doesn't try to fill in Woolman's life with the recreated sights and sounds of his time and place (cp. Shakespeare biographies) Instead he deliberately immersed himself in Woolman's own now antiquated reading list and in Woolman's religious milieu, Quakerism as it then was. Slaughter frequently refers to it as a "mystical" religion. Some of what Slaughter calls mystical experiences such as the interpretation of St. Elmo's fire as a divine sign and the belief that dreams can be a message from God seem more like superstition to me. (But one man's mysticism can be another woman's claptrap, I guess. You find a lot of this stuff in early Quaker writing. George Fox thought God punished his nastier jailors by making their children sick!)

Preparing himself in this way, Slaughter is able to present a coherent account of the sources, development, and resolution (when there is one) of Woolman's specific struggles and concerns. One sees that the central thought is the debasement of the self, the sense that true virtue means 100% commitment to the wellbeing of others, acting always, as we say, in the Light. Though William James (Varieties of Religious Experience) doesn't devote as much time to Woolman as this book may make you think, he does use him as one example of a "saint". Both James and Slaughter are also clear on the negative aspects of this personality type. Woolman was selfless from one point of view, he struggled mightily to be so. On the other hand, the saint can seem, or can be, immensely selfish as well and one's own obvious moral demands can seem like a deluded and obsessive nagging to others. John Woolman was very tender toward children but he also believed love of one's own children can easily become the root of all evil. True, but only in a sense. I think Slaughter has done a great service to students of Woolman by trying to explain him from the inside, by examining his "soul" I certainly got a much better handle on him.

On the other hand, I don't think this would be a very useful book to anyone who didn't have a pre-interest in John Woolman. And you really have to have a sense of the background history of the age to get your feet on the ground since the sights, sounds and smells are as missing in Slaughter (deliberately, as I said) as they are in Woolman.

The book's title kept me from buying it until the third time I saw it, though Border's had it shelved face out. It sounds like it's going to be a hagiography. Though it occasionally drifts in that direction, Slaughter's academic instincts save him in the end.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
The Beautiful Soul of John Woolman
By Kim Burdick
Sociologists and theologians have long considered Quaker John Woolman a pioneer in the birth of contemporary social consciousness.

Woolman's relations with Indians, Africans and slave owners, his negotiating skills, his extensive travels, and his belief in the importance of the abolition of slavery, should have made this a fascinating book.

There is plenty of good information in this book. It is well-researched and not badly written, yet "The Beautiful Soul of John Woolman" lacks the spark of life. It is tedious reading.

According to 18th century accounts by those who knew him, Quaker John Woolman was highly-respected and much admired. In this version of Woolman's life, his strengths are overshadowed by the author's sense that Woolman was a droopy, neurotic, troubled and troubling person.

The text drifts around a bit aimlessly. My teacherly-instincts tell me that the manuscript needs to be pared down to about two-thirds the current length. Slaughter needs to decide if this is a general biography of Woolman or if it is a book about Woolman as an abolitionist.

The serious scholar may want to search out references to Woolman in the early records of local Friends Meetings, read John Woolman's own Journal, and leave this book on the shelf.

Kim Burdick
Stanton, Delaware

Note: One minor detail especially bothers me. On page 147 Slaughter writes:

[The Woolmans] "named their daughter Mary (1750-97), perhaps because her birth came only a week before Christmas."

It should be noted that astronomers, Quakers, and most Yankee Protestants, were sceptical of the December date for Christmas. Quakers did not celebrate Christmas in the 18th century.

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Raised like a princess in one of the most powerful families in the American South, Henrietta Bingham was offered the helm of a publishing empire. Instead, she ripped through the Jazz Age like an F. Scott Fitzgerald character: intoxicating and intoxicated, selfish and shameless, seductive and brilliant, endearing and often terribly troubled. In New York, Louisville, and London, she drove both men and women wild with desire, and her youth blazed with sex. But her love affairs with women made her the subject of derision and caused a doctor to try to cure her queerness. After the speed and pleasure of her early days, the toxicity of judgment from others coupled with her own anxieties resulted in years of addiction and breakdowns. And perhaps most painfully, she became a source of embarrassment for her family-she was labeled "a three-dollar bill." But forebears can become fairy-tale figures, especially when they defy tradition and are spoken of only in whispers. For the biographer and historian Emily Bingham, the secret of who her great-aunt was, and just why her story was concealed for so long, led to Irrepressible: The Jazz Age Life of Henrietta Bingham.

Henrietta rode the cultural cusp as a muse to the Bloomsbury Group, the daughter of the ambassador to the United Kingdom during the rise of Nazism, the seductress of royalty and athletic champions, and a pre-Stonewall figure who never buckled to convention. Henrietta's audacious physicality made her unforgettable in her own time, and her ecstatic and harrowing life serves as an astonishing reminder of the stories lying buried in our own families.

  • Sales Rank: #298025 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-06-16
  • Released on: 2015-06-16
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.27" h x 1.24" w x 6.06" l, 1.00 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 384 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
This is one of the best books I have read in a long time
By alexander Nixon
This is one of the best books I have read in a long time! I was companion to Lincoln Kirstein in the 70s and also knew his sister Mina and brother George. Duncan Grant's portrait of Mina, looking like the absinthe drinker, hung in Lincoln's front parlor for years.The history of the Flagler money was equally fascinating. What a time to live in

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Is being rich really so wonderful?
By Martin
I think it was a book that only a person familiar with Louisville and the Bingham family would really enjoy. It was somewhat of an eye opener to the era in which the events happened but beyond that, I found it rather troubling in some places and shocking in others.
Overall, I wouldn't particularly recommend it.

26 of 28 people found the following review helpful.
"Irrepressible" is dazzling!
By Alex S. Jones
This book could have been called "Irresistible." That well describes the protagonist, Henrietta Bingham, the Kentucky heiress whose elusive sensuality and mezmerizing eyes obsessed Dora Carrington, John Houseman, Mina Kirstein and many - many - others in the 1920s and 1930s. It also describes the book itself, written with elegance and authority by Henrietta's grand niece, Emily Bingham, a respected historian who was drawn to the mystery of Henrietta, a figure of fascination and shame within the Binghams' privileged Louisville world. The book is based on deep research and the lucky discovery of hitherto undiscovered letters that open the door on a world of sexual passion and yearning that is urgent and human in a way that feels almost foreign today. At the heart of Henrietta's story is the relationship with her dominating father, Judge Robert Worth Bingham, the controversial owner of The Courier Journal in Louisville and ambassador to the Court of St. James's. Emily Bingham has done no less than rescued Henrietta by telling her moving, fascinating, and long-buried story.

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Origen: An Exhortation to Martyrdom, Prayer, and Selected Works, by Origen

Here are the important and influential writings of a Christian mystic and early father of the Church. Origen (c. 185-254) was born in Alexandria and lived through the turbulent years during the collapse of the Roman Empire.

  • Sales Rank: #499252 in Books
  • Published on: 1979
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.90" h x .90" w x 5.90" l, .95 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 320 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

14 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
Good selection of works from a brilliant Christian thinker
By Greg
Origen's legacy for Christianity has certainly been mixed. Many reading his works today, as many did in his time, would no doubt find what he 'found' in the Bible bizarre, heretical and perhaps even blasphemous. Indeed he was condemned as such by Church councils some centuries after his death, and as a result many of his works were lost.

However, it also must be acknowledged that Origen was one of the faith's most brilliant and original minds. Asides from his remarkable theories about 'what really happened' before and after the fall of human beings and angels, and the creation of the universe itself, his remarkable penetration and allegorising of scripture and seeing the 'spirit' in the letter are rarely equalled by any other Church father. Few Christian thinkers ever had such brilliant talents in speculative theological power, exegetical skill, mystical insight and creativity and daring to try and wrest such deep insights as Origen found, which were in many ways far ahead of his time.

It is true Origen's genius was also in many ways his downfall, and it can be rightly said many of his interpretations of scripture are too speculative or in better words, go so high into the clouds any vision of the concrete ground is lost. Yet one must also admire his determination to set Orthodox Christianity on an intellectual and speculative par with the main rivals for thinking seekers of the time, Gnosticism and Neo-Platonism. To this day his influence resounds through Christian mysticism, and his view of the Bible as an infinitely deep wellspring of Godly wisdom which originated from the Logos itself, is a refreshing counterpoint to the literal and one-sided fundamentalism which holds so much in our own time.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Best Intro to a Tough Thinker
By Rev Casey
I've decided that no early Christian thinker is easily accessible to most contemporary Christians, Origen least of all. This is especially true of Origen because much of his thought was classified as heresy by later Christians. That said, many later Christian thinkers (like Gregory of Nyssa) drew upon Origen to faithfully interpret Scripture in order to articulate Christian orthodoxy.

This volume is easily one of the best introductions to the most important of Origen's texts. I recommend it for any who wish dig deeper into the Church Fathers. You cannot study the Church Fathers and not engage Origen!

76 of 77 people found the following review helpful.
Intellectual reverence and the spiritual sense.
By Wesley L. Janssen
These selected works from the writings of Origen (c. 185-254) will give the reader much to contemplate and are complex enough to perhaps frustrate the reader without some foundation in the material. Do not read Origen without first reading the preface (Hans Urs von Balthasar) and the foreword and introduction (Rowan Greer). These are valuable insights into the second and third centuries and the early history of Christian thought. The writings of Origen generated several centuries of controversy in the early church. His ardent admirers included Eusebius, Gregory of Nissa and the Cappadocian Fathers, and Jerome. His ardent detractors included Epiphanius, Theophilus, Jerome (persuaded to change his mind), and the Emperor Justinian. One of the so-called "Four Fathers" of the Christian church, "Origen was as towering a figure as Augustine and Aquinas. . . his overt and hidden influence has proved no less far-reaching than theirs," says Hans Urs von Balthasar as he begins his preface. "Whoever seeks access from merely dogmatic faith into that inward realm where we see with the inner eye of faith enters a world of mystery demanding not only intellectual reverence but personal holiness as well. . . Perhaps it can be said that [Origen's] simultaneous viewing of prayer and exegesis . . . of exact philology . . . and the search for the spiritual sense, is the most important aspect of Origenistic spirituality for our present situation. . . . the underlying attitude remains exemplary for us, perhaps more than ever before."

Jesus said, "wisdom is proved right by her actions," and "by their fruit you will recognize them," and "the good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him." These thoughts commend to us the influences of Origen.
Apart from the Introduction to these selections, I particularly recommend "On First Principles: Book IV" and "Commentary on the Song of Songs". Some of the ideas presented in "Homily XXVII on Numbers" were fuel for his detractors (the 42 steps), along with an oversimplification and misunderstanding of his neo-Platonic deliberating. As Greer says, "these difficulties should not be allowed to obscure the main lines of his thought." Origen's spiritually rich approach to exegesis is typified in this passage:
"Now all these truths, as we have said, are . . . buried in the narratives of holy Scripture, because 'the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field' (Mt. 13:44). Consider very carefully whether this passage does not point to the fact that the soil and surface, so to speak, of Scripture, that is, the meaning according to the letter, is the 'field' filled and flowering with plants of all kinds, while the deeper and more profound spiritual meaning is 'the treasures of wisdom and knowledge' (Col. 2:3), which the Holy Spirit through Isaiah calls 'obscure, invisible, and hidden treasures' (cf. Is. 45:2-3). To be able to find them we need the help of God, who alone can 'break in pieces the doors of bronze' by which they are shut up and hidden."

It is said that Origen was the church's first great post New Testament theologian, exegete, and apologist. The doctrinal/ exegetical and theological issues with which he wrestled had not yet been 'resolved' by the church councils of later years (it would be naïve to suggest that some have ever been universally resolved). We might expect that there be difficulty with certain of his understandings. Of course the 'big' problem that has been attributed to Origen, is his supposed idea of the transmigration of souls (an unusual idea in Western thought, but one compatible with certain schools of Platonism). This is the idea that most stirred his opponents. In honest fairness to Origen, we must admit that we don't finally know his ultimate view in this area and perhaps his detractors didn't either. He is known to have changed his thinking on certain issues as he continued to study and contemplate, and among the texts that have survived, the best evidence confutes the accusation that Origen held this unorthodox view.

At the end of his extremely productive life (in Caesarea he virtually reinvented both archival/library science and textual analysis), he was arrested and tortured, and died after being released (this happening when the early persecution of Christians was waning). As he did not die in the custody of his tormentors, there was, in his death, more room for controversy -- as to whether or not he should be counted a martyr. The `mysticism' of Eastern Christianity traces largely to Origen and his deeply spiritual approach to scripture, always looking to philological accuracy, subtleties, and deeper and more theologically and spiritually consistent meanings. Much of his exegesis and theology is present in the writings of Augustine and Christian thinkers down to our day. An honest knowledge of Origen's thought will benefit anyone with an interest in philosophy, theology, exegetics, and/or church history. Although Origen is inherently difficult, this volume provides a needed window of access to the work of this learned and gifted scholar and theologian.

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Selasa, 23 Desember 2014

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Lottery, by Shirley Jackson

The people of a village perform their annual lottery, with startling consequences for the recipient of the one paper with the black spot.

  • Sales Rank: #14896354 in Books
  • Published on: 1982-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.05" h x 5.49" w x 8.11" l,
  • Binding: School & Library Binding

Most helpful customer reviews

103 of 109 people found the following review helpful.
Illuminating snapshots of life
By Daniel Jolley
Many people are familiar with the story "The Lottery," but it is just one of many incredible vignettes of life filling this collection. It is hard to understand today why "The Lottery" originally provoked such a strong reaction, yet it still packs a punch for first-time readers. While it does have aspects of horror, the remaining stories are basically literary. "Flower Garden" and "After You, My Dear Alphonse" deal with racism and would seem to be pretty bold statements for the time period (the book was published in 1948); the latter story seems particularly groundbreaking because of the unusual perspective it provides. "Charles" is a humorous yet illuminating look at the behavior of children, while "Afternoon in Linen" is an important statement on why children sometimes behave as they do. Jackson is at her best when describing the disenchanted adult. The helplessness of women is an important theme in many stories; many of the women described here feel helpless and subservient to their husbands, their neighbors, and their community. "Elizabeth" is a fairly long study of how one woman's wishes and dreams remain unfulfilled in later life. The housewife in "Got a Letter From Jimmy" is thoroughly exasperated by her husband's feelings, and since she cannot speak her mind to him, she is forced to fantasize about killing him. In "The Villager" a woman spontaneously chooses to become someone else entirely for a few minutes, and most of Jackson's heroines spend much time contemplating what could have been. In "Of Course," the fact that a new family has a few unorthodox views builds an unbreachable wall between brand-new neighbors. The women in these stories are always wondering what other people think about them and worrying about what others will say about them. Even when a group of women try to do something good to help the less fortunate, it backfires on them in "Come Dance With Me in Ireland." When a female character vacations with her husband in New York in "Pillar of Salt," she soon becomes "lost," afraid, and desperate to return home. "Colloquy" is the shortest story in the collection, but its protagonist speaks for most of Jackson's female characters when she asks whether she alone or the whole world has gone insane.

My favorite story here is "The Daemon Lover." Herein, Jackson offers one of the most poignant, touching looks at loneliness, desperation, and fragility I have ever read. In the story, we spend a day with the protagonist as she prepares for her wedding, having become engaged just the night before to a James Harris. It is a depressing yet beautiful story, and I actually rate it higher than "The Lottery." The character of James Harris actually flitters throughout several of these stories, a phantom of sorts haunting several of Jackson's more memorable female characters.

Jackson deals with very serious subjects, and the illumination provided by her unusual perspectives on life is vivid and poignant. When addressing racism, she shows how even an individual with the best of intentions and good will can still represent an unfortunate racist attitude. In speaking to morality and social values, she shows how hard it can be for an individual to go against tradition and the community to do what is right. She offers powerful insights on child (and adult) psychology. Even the couple of stories I did not really "get" offered insight into the living of life. Readers should not expect a book of horror stories when they pick up this book. The stories can be maudlin and even depressing, but they are philosophical, psychological, and sociological rather than creepy or spooky.

53 of 57 people found the following review helpful.
Hallowed Traditions
By A Customer
"The Lottery" is a powerful work of literature and the best short story I ever read. When first published in the "New Yorker" in 1948, it engendered an enormous amount of hate mail; some readers actually canceled their subscriptions. Although now commonly regarded as a masterpiece of short fiction, Jackson's macabre work is still so greatly abhorred by some contemporary readers that they have attempted to get it banned from their local libraries. Indeed, a relacement copy I donatated just quietly disappeared from mine. Why? The few readers I have polled were quick to label the story "terrible" but seemed strangely reluctant to pinpoint their objections; so I can only surmise. I believe the story makes people nervous because they perceive that the community in which the lottery was held is really not all too different from their own. I think Jackson drives home the point that we, too, live in a society rife with superstition and ignorance -- a culture in which ancient traditions are unquestioningly accepted and virtually anyone can suddenly find themselves chosen as a sacrificial offering to an unseen god. When readers see themselves in the role of the ill-fated Mrs. Hutchinson, besieged by a mindless mob of true-believers, they are justifiably terrified. Or could it be that some readers are troubled because they sense in themselves a strong impulse to pick up a stone?

35 of 38 people found the following review helpful.
Buy it for "The Lottery," fall in love with the rest as well
By Chris McClinch
If you've never read "The Lottery," you're wasting valuable time reading this review. Go buy the book and read it instead. If you have read "The Lottery," then odds are you already appreciate this dark, brilliant, horrific little story. It's one of the greatest horror stories ever written, and it's one of my favorites of all time to teach, as well. My students were all shocked and horrified by the story (not least by the fact that I would give them something that so offended them), but by the end of the semester, they came to love the story. The set-up is brilliant, and the twist ending is perfect: brutal, shocking, and short. Other reviewers have commented on the story's excellence for teaching things like the evil of tradition; it's also an excellent way to teach how ordinary people could become involved in something like the Nazi death camps.
The rest of the stories in the collection are uniformly excellent, as well, although I would recommend saving "The Lottery" for last. It's by far the most horrific in the collection, but Jackson's satire can be just as brutal as her horror, and there is more than a little of the horror of everyday life sprinkled throughout the rest of these tales. A must-buy!

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Oh, Dad, Poor Dad, Mama's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feelin' So Sad: A Pseudoclassical Tragifarce in a Bastard French Tradition, by Ar

Described by the author as a "farce in three scenes", the story involves an overbearing mother who travels to a luxury resort in the Caribbean, bringing along her son and her deceased husband, preserved and in his casket.

  • Sales Rank: #2024573 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Farrar Straus n Giroux
  • Published on: 1960-06
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 89 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

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Jumat, 19 Desember 2014

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Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, by Richard N. Mitchell, Vinay Kumar, Nelson Fausto, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C

Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, by Richard N. Mitchell, Vinay Kumar, Nelson Fausto, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C

Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, by Richard N. Mitchell, Vinay Kumar, Nelson Fausto, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C

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Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, by Richard N. Mitchell, Vinay Kumar, Nelson Fausto, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C

This Pocket Companion to Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 8th Edition offers rapid, portable access to the most important pathology facts and concepts. Richard Mitchell, MD, PhD, Vinay Kumar, MBBS, MD, FRCPath, Nelson Fausto, MD, Abul K. Abbas, MBBS, and Jon Aster, MD assemble all of the key data and principles of pathology in a concise, at-a-glance format and fit them into your pocket for quick reference anytime. The result is a superb source for quick answers and an efficient review tool on any aspect of pathology.

  • Assembles all of the key data and principles you need to know for exams and rotations.
  • Presents information in a concise, at-a-glance format.
  • Fits into your pocket, for a convenient reference any time.
  • Offers abundant page references to the parent text, making additional information easy to find.
  • Completely updated to reflect the latest knowledge and techniques across all areas of pathology.

This pocket-sized resource offers rapid, portable access to the most important facts and concepts from Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 8th Edition

  • Sales Rank: #4594286 in Books
  • Published on: 2011-09-08
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: .0" h x .0" w x .0" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 784 pages


"Pocket Companion to Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 8th Edition" offers rapid, portable access to the most important pathology facts and concepts...a superb source for quick answers and an efficient review tool on any aspect of pathology. -Doody's Review Service

About the Author
Richard N Mitchell, MD, PhD, Lawrence J. Henderson Professor of Pathology and Health Sciences and Technology, Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Staff Pathologist, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Vinay Kumar, MBBS, MD, FRCPath, Donald N. Pritzker Professor and Chairman, Department of Pathology, Biologic Sciences Division and Pritzker School of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; Abul K. Abbas, MBBS, Distinguished Professor and Chair, Department of Pathology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California Jon C. Aster, MD, PhD, Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School; Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

Most helpful customer reviews

18 of 20 people found the following review helpful.
If you have to read Robbin's, get this Pocket Companion!
By unorthoDoc
Any med student knows Robbin's is like running into a 1,500 page brick wall over and over again to become the future Dr. House of the world. The pocket companion is perfect for finding key concepts and reviewing the day or 2 before exams. Cannot live without this Pocket Companion. It's going to get me through class, rotations, residency, and life as a doctor.

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Handy to keep around
By Michael J. Waring
Reading the Pocket version helped me stomach the monster task of reading the "big" version. This pocket version has most of the details from the book, but not all. It was convenient to bring places - it really did fit into my shorts pockets! The authors intended to capture the wisecracking attitude of the Big Book, but fell well short. Too squeezed for space to include humor.

Good luck to all souls attempting a PBD course.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
The Best Path Supplement
By NDIrish11
2nd year medical student Hi-Yield Take:
Fits in white coat pocket. Has majority of details about clinical presentation and pathogenesis of most disease. Great for PBL, case conferences, small group exercises, etc.

See all 61 customer reviews...

Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, by Richard N. Mitchell, Vinay Kumar, Nelson Fausto, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C PDF
Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, by Richard N. Mitchell, Vinay Kumar, Nelson Fausto, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C EPub
Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, by Richard N. Mitchell, Vinay Kumar, Nelson Fausto, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C Doc
Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, by Richard N. Mitchell, Vinay Kumar, Nelson Fausto, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C iBooks
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Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, by Richard N. Mitchell, Vinay Kumar, Nelson Fausto, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C Kindle

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* Get Free Ebook Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, by Richard N. Mitchell, Vinay Kumar, Nelson Fausto, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C Doc

* Get Free Ebook Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, by Richard N. Mitchell, Vinay Kumar, Nelson Fausto, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C Doc
* Get Free Ebook Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, by Richard N. Mitchell, Vinay Kumar, Nelson Fausto, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C Doc

Kamis, 18 Desember 2014

~ Fee Download Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic, by Bertolt Brecht

Fee Download Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic, by Bertolt Brecht

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Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic, by Bertolt Brecht

Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic, by Bertolt Brecht

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Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic, by Bertolt Brecht

This volume offers a major selection of Bertolt Brecht's groundbreaking critical writing. Here, arranged in chronological order, are essays from 1918 to 1956, in which Brecht explores his definition of the Epic Theatre and his theory of alienation-effects in directing, acting, and writing, and discusses, among other works, The Threepenny Opera, Mahagonny, Mother Courage, Puntila, and Galileo. Also included is "A Short Organum for the Theatre," Brecht's most complete exposition of his revolutionary philosophy of drama.

Translated and edited by John Willett, Brecht on Theater is essential to an understanding of one of the twentieth century's most influential dramatists.

  • Sales Rank: #78329 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Hill and Wang
  • Published on: 1977-01-01
  • Released on: 1964-01-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.17" h x .94" w x 5.41" l, .65 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 352 pages
  • Great product!

Language Notes
Text: English, German (translation)

From the Back Cover
This important volume offers a major selection of Bertolt Brecht's groundbreaking critical writing.

About the Author

Bertolt Bertolt (1898-1956) was the most influential German dramatist and theoretician of the theater in the 20th century. Also a poet of formidable gifts and considerable output, Brecht first attracted attention in the Berlin of the 1920s as the author of provocative plays that challenged the tenets of traditional theater. Forced to flee Germany in 1933 because of his leftist political beliefs and opposition to the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler, Brecht and his family spent 14 years in exile in Scandinavia and the United States. Although he tried hard to become established in the United States, Brecht failed to make a breakthrough either as a scriptwriter in Hollywood, California, or as a playwright on Broadway. Two years later he moved to East Berlin and remained there until his death. In the 1950s he became an internationally acclaimed playwright and director through productions of his plays by the Berliner Ensemble, a company based in East Berlin and headed by his wife, actor Helene Weigel.

John Willett (1917-2002) was a noted scholar, author and translator. From the outset he was the prime editor and translator (with Ralph Manheim and others) behind Brecht in English. He was involved in the planning and translation of the programme book for the Berliner Ensemble's celebrated first visit to London in 1956 (the year of Brecht's own death); in 1959 he published the first general study in any language, The Theatre of Bertolt Brecht; he translated, edited and introduced the enormously influential Brecht on Theatre (1964); and he was a founding member of the International Brecht Society and sometime editor of its Yearbook.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Intelligent Ideas on "epic theater"
Great book. Brecht is a good writer with intelligent ideas.

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
A Behemoth of Brecht
By K. Stanfa
First of all, it should be mentioned that there is no theatre untouched by Bertolt Brecht's theories and practices on theatre. In the 21st century, the way we look at theatre has its roots in Brecht's Aesthetic.

Now, this book is like the Brecht Bible essentially. Packed with all his views and opinions on the theatre, society and culture around theatre, acting, etc. Its big, dense and the type set is small enough to make you cry sometimes because he just never seems to stop.

I had a hard time following and understanding it, but that is no fault of this edition, but more so the long winded thoughts of Brecht. The core of his ideas and points are there, they just need to be searched for. Sometimes he makes it very clear what point he is trying to make, but sometimes you have to wade through his thoughts until he nails it for you. I think for having never read it before, I wasn't sure what was the most important part of some of the arguments he was making, but overall I know this is a valuable book to own. I think it requires guidance from someone who has studied Brecht a lot, which I fortunately had. There is a Brecht for Beginners I think out there that is a GOOD COMPANION to this book.

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic
By Mr DM Hall
There is only one way to describe this book: Paperback gold. I am currently studying A-Level theatre studies and I couldn't ask for a better resource on Brecht than this. However, I don't think it is necessary to be a drama student to read this book. Obviously some background knowledge of Brecht is helpful when tackling some of the essays that he has written but if you have any kind of interest in the theatre then have a go with this, it's very well edited and above all it's really quite an easy read.

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Senin, 15 Desember 2014

# PDF Download Sales and Use Tax Answer Book (2008), by Bruce M. Nelson

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Sales and Use Tax Answer Book (2008), by Bruce M. Nelson

Sales and Use Tax Answer Book (2008), by Bruce M. Nelson

Sales and Use Tax Answer Book (2008), by Bruce M. Nelson

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Sales and Use Tax Answer Book (2008), by Bruce M. Nelson

The Sales and Use Tax Answer Book is the key reference source for which practitioners have been searching. Not only is it comprehensive and clear; it also provides extensive citation to important case and statutory law. Forty-five states and the District of Columbia impose a sales tax on the retail sale of tangible personal property and selected services. In addition, there are 7,500 cities, municipalities, towns, school districts, counties, and other special taxing districts that levy sales and use taxes. The varying rates, the changing jurisdictional boundaries, the different tax bases, and the often inconsistent and contradictory interpretations of similarly worded statutes are all covered. The book also includes a chapter on sales tax reforms, particularly the Streamlined Sales Tax Project. The 2008 edition of the Sales and Use Tax Answer Book continues to provide coverage of topics such as subjects of sales and use tax, taxable persons, taxable transactions, interstate and extraterritorial transactions, constitutional issues and the latest updates on the Streamlined Sales Tax Project. Also included are case summaries which cover such areas as statistical sampling methodology, nexus, collection of sales tax by remote sellers, sales tax and the requirements of the commerce clause, sales made through independent contractors or brokers, sales and use tax in internet/electronic commerce, collection of use tax by a remote seller and minimum contacts requirements for out-of-state retailers. Highlights of the 2008 edition includes coverage of the following: . Continuing coverage of the nexus wars with special attention to the Barnes & Noble case in Lousiana; . A discussion of the inconsistent positions states are taking on taxing video and software delivered over the Internet; . A summary of the debate over the Internet hotel reseller business model -- Is it really a new model or just a tax scam? . The latest developments on the Streamlined Sales Tax Project, its membership problems and the continuing debate over sourcing; . The Multistate Tax Commission's new sampling proposal and whether it will really improve state sampling techniques; and . New material on bad debts, electronic resale certificates, packaging and drop shipments.

  • Sales Rank: #10950697 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: CCH, Inc.
  • Published on: 2007-11-20
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.00" h x 6.75" w x 1.25" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 594 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Bruce M. Nelson, MA, is a CPA with the law firm of Silverstein & Pomerantz, LLP. Prior to joining Silverstein & Pomerantz, he was the Manager of Tax Policy for two years at the state of Colorado. Before that, he was a Senior Tax Manager for several years in a "Big Four" accounting firm, where he ran the state and local tax desk. Bruce earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a Master's degree from Colorado State University, and he is a certified public accountant in the state of Colorado. He is also on the adjunct faculty for Regis University where he teaches courses in individual, partnership, and corporate taxation. He is a frequent seminar speaker and teaches continuing education classes in state and local tax for the University of Denver's Graduate Tax Program, the Colorado Society of CPAs, and the American Institute of CPAs. Bruce has published more than 30 tax articles in many publications including the Journal of Accountancy, Tax Executive, Controller Magazine, the Journal of Multistate Taxation, State Tax Notes and Colorado Lawyer. He is also co-editor of the Guidebook to Colorado Taxes, also published by CCH. Bruce is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Colorado society of Certified Public Accountants. James T. Collins, JD, is the Executive Director of the Deloitte and Touche Center for Multistate Taxation at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Mr. Collins earned a Bachelor of Science degree in political science and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Georgia. In addition, Mr, Collins is an adjunct professor of taxation in the School of Business Administration at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where he has taught an interstate and local taxation course since 1980. He serves as the editor in chief and chairman of the editorial board of the Journal of State Taxation and as co-editor of the Journal of Property Tax Management. He was named the 1994 Corporate Wisconsin Tax Professional of the Year. John C. Healy, MST, CPA, is the Managing Director of the Deloitte and Touche Center for Multistate Taxation and a lecturer in the Graduate Tax Program at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and is co-editor of CCH INCORPORATED's Multistate Corporate Tax Guide. Mr. Healy has more than 30 years of state and local tax experience and has held SALT management positions at Miller Brewing Company and General Electric Medical Systems. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from Marquette University and a Master of Science degree in taxation from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He is also a certified public accountant. Mr. Healey has published numerous articles in professional tax journals and is a past recipient of IPT's Literary Award. He is also the author of Surviiving the Sales Tax Audit in CCH INCORPORATED's Solutions for State and Local Taxation. Mr. Healey has served as an instructor in a variety of continuing professional education and university tax courses. He is a member of the AICPA and WICPA and is past chair of the WICPA Wisconsin Taxation Committee.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Brandy R Zink
Received in perfect condition!

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